2nd International Conference cum Workshop on
"Recent Trends in Structural Bioinformatics and Computer Aided Drug Design"
21st - 25th November, 2022
Registration and Abstract submission date Extended till November 5, 2022

The Department of Bioinformatics was started in the year 2008, to facilitate teaching and research in the interdisciplinary areas of Small and Macro Molecule X-ray Crystallography, Structural Biology, Structural Bioinformatics, Molecular Modelling, Computer-Aided Drug Design, Pharmacoinformatics, Chemoinformatics, Molecular Cell Biology, Genetic Engineering, Genomics, Proteomics, Bio-computing, Quantum Chemistry, Database and Software development to create an intellectual environment for interdisciplinary education and training. The Department is supported by the University Grants Commission (UGC) under the scheme of "Innovative Programme - Teaching & Research in Interdisciplinary and Emerging Areas", the Department of Science & Technology (DST) -"Fund for Improvement of S & T Infrastructure in Higher Educational Institutions" (FIST), "Promotion of University Research and Scientific Excellence" (PURSE) and Department of Biotechnology (DBT)-Establishment of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Center (BIC). We apply our computational and experimental techniques to study the interaction of small chemical compounds with proteins and nucleic acids and to characterize their molecular mechanisms towards the novel discovery of potential drugs for human diseases. Our dynamic environment is focused on students to gain experience through academic, industrial internship programs. Our students regularly coordinate with faculties to produce scientific publications. The Department of Bioinformatics has been offering M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. & PG Diploma Degree Courses. Our Department published more than 614 research articles in highly reputed journals inclusive of Books, Chapters and Monographs related to Human diseases, Pathogenic and non - pathogenic organisms. Department has recieved major research projects from Government of India & Tamil Nadu with a tune of more than Rs. 1860 lakhs. More

ALAGAPPA UNIVERSITY established by the Government of Tamilnadu, as envisioned by the great Philanthropist Padma Bhushan (Late) Dr.RM. Alagappa Chettiar is achieving Excellence in all spheres of Education, with particular emphasis on Pedagogy, Extension, Administration, Research and Learning (PEARL) by affording a Quality oriented Higher Education to the learners so that they are transformed into intellectually competent human resources that will help in the up-liftment of the nation to Educational, Social, Technological, Environmental and Economic Magnificence (ESTEEM). Our motto is "Excellence in Action". The 440 acre green and lush campus houses Science, Arts, Managemen, and Education faculties with 44 Departments, 9 Centres and 2 Constituent Colleges on its campus. Besides, 51 Affiliated Colleges are located in the districts of Sivaganga and Ramanathapuram. The institution offers 168 programmes in the University Department catering to the educational needs of rural students. All programs in the University follow a Semester Pattern under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) with Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) to ensure quality education. Alagappa University Online Programmes (2021) have been designed with the objective of giving a perfect boost to the career of learners and also to help them in using their full potential for elevation. By bringing together innovative pedagogy, rich content and latest technologies, Alagappa University Online Programmes are home to a range of University Grants Commission (UGC) entitled courses meant for anytime, anywhere learning. These online courses serve the educational aspirations of students across the globe through 12 programmes offering under Masters and Bachelor's degree programmes. The well-researched curriculum, renowned faculty members, cutting-edge technology and close industry & academic partnership are some of the noteworthy features of the online programmes.
The University has made a significant milestone through 9,542 research publications (SCOPUS, WOS, Google Scholar etc.,) with h-index 94 and the faculty members have filed more than 55 patents from their research work. The University has been awarded with A+ Grade by NAAC (CGPA: 3.64 out of 4) in the Third Cycle of assessment and also the first State University that obtained the A+ status in the State of Tamil Nadu. The University obtained Category-I status by the MHRD-UGC and occupies 2nd place out of the 12 State Universities with Category-I Status in the Country. It is the only State University in Tamil Nadu obtained the Category-I Status. Also, Alagappa University obtained Autonomy status (one among 60 Institutions in the country announced by MHRD). The University secured 33rd position among Universities in National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) 2021 ranking done by MOE, New Delhi and 501-600 ranking bandwidth in THE World University Ranking 2022 . Under QS 2022 ranking, Alagappa University is positioned with 220th place in QS ASIA Ranking and 24 th place in India. It is the only University in Tamil Nadu received 100 crore under RUSA 2.0 grant based on NAAC score and NIRF Ranking. Owing to these achievements, Alagappa University is the only StateUniversity in Tamil Nadu which fulfilled all the requirement of MHRD in the context of quality higher education.
The University has received many notable awards such as the ISO 9001: 2015 Certification Award for its creditability in providing an enhanced quality Higher Education and Research Activities and Clean and Green Campus Award & World Environment and Livelihood (WEAL) Award from National Institute of Cleanliness and Education Research (NICER), New Delhi. The University also secured fourth Position at National level in Swachhta Ranking 2018 of Higher Educational Institutions and for which the University has been identified as one of the Centre on Swachh Bharat and Swasth Bharat by MHRD, New Delhi. Owing to these achievements, Alagappa University is the only State University in Tamil Nadu which fulfilled all the requirements of MHRD in the context of quality higher education. The University has five UGC-SAP (Special Assistance Programme) and six DST-FIST (Facilities for Improvement of Science and Technology) supported Departments. All the Science Departments of Alagappa University are supported by DST-PURSE Phase II. More than 49 International MoUs were signed with International Universities and Institutes for Academi, Research, Industrial, faculty and students exchange programmes. The University has also implemented digitalization through Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) facilities in the Central Library and Automation of Examination process. We represent as Digital University for adapting the Cashless transaction and Paperless communication in all our administrative and academic endeavors apart from creating awareness to the public about Digital India. Alagappa University Study Circle (AUSC) is catering to the aspiring students of University departments and affiliated colleges to prepare for the Competitive Examinations and also to get into the Government Services such as UPSC, TNPSC, Banking Service Examinations and NET / SET etc., at free of cost. Exclusive Para Sports Centre and Resource School for Differently abled Students also have brought Laurels to the University by bagging Gold Medals. The University has bagged Indian Association for the Blind (IAB) Silver Zone Award for outstanding excellence and amazing contribution for the empowerment of persons with Visual Challenges. More