Speakers Of SBCADD'2016

Dr. A. Anand
VIT University, Vellore
Title of the Talk
Exploring the role of non-classical hydrogen bonds and its impact on stability and specificity of β-lactamases and Penicillin binding proteins

Dr. A. Dinakara Rao
Pondicherry University, Puducherry
Title of the Talk

New insights into mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway: Identification and Exploration of new drug like molecules for mTOR domain activation and stabilization.

Dr. P. Gautam
Anna University, Chennai
Title of the Talk

Structure And Simulation Of A Zundel Ion Stabilized By -Hydroxyquinoline-5,7 Disulfonic Acid

Dr. P. Karthe
University of Madras, Chennai

Title of the Talk
Structural and functional studies on surface proteins of Gram-positive bacteria

Dr. Ritushree Kukreti
Institute of Genomics & Integrative Biology, New Delhi
Title of the Talk

Role of the drug and hormone disposition in pharmacogenetics of anti-epileptic drugs

Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore
Title of the Talk

Accelerating “Candidate Gene” Discovery through Genomics and Bioinformatics

Dr. T. P. Singh
AIIMS, New Delhi
Title of the Talk
Structure based drug design and exploitation of proteins of innate immune system as protein antibiotics
Dr. R. Sowdhamini
National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore

Title of the Talk
Analysis and Prediction of Domain Swapping in Proteins

Dr. N. Srinivasan
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Title of the Talk
Bridging the islands of protein families in sequence space using artificial sequences

Dr. Naidu Subbarao
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Title of the Talk

Designing novel antituberculosis and antimalarial agents against prioritized drug targets of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Plasmodium falciparum

Dr. Vikash Kumar Dubey
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati
Title of the Talk
Recent development on Leishmania research: Promising drug candidates in pipeline
Dr. D. Velmurugan
University of Madras, Chennai
Title of the Talk
insilico studies supporting the antidiabetic and anticancer activities of some medicinally important plant compounds of North East India
Dr. Ravikumar Muttineni
Schrodinger, USA
Title of the Talk

Thermodynamic analysis of water and its applications in Drug discovery

For further more enquiry email us to dbiconf@gmail.com
Plenary Speakers
  • Dr. A. Anand
    VIT University, Vellore
  • Dr. A. Dinakara Rao
    Pondicherry University, Puducherry
  • Dr. P. Gautam
    Anna University, Chennai
  • Dr. P. Karthe
    University of Madras, Chennai
  • Dr. M. Raveendran
    TNAU, Coimbatore
  • Dr. Ritushree Kukreti
    IGIB, New Delhi
  • Dr. T. P. Singh
    AIIMS, New Delhi
  • Dr. R. Sowdhamini
    NCBS-TIFR, Bangalore
  • Dr. N. Srinivasan
    IISc, Bangalore
  • Dr. Naidu Subbarao
    JNU, New Delhi
  • Dr. Vikash Kumar Dubey
    IIT Guwahati, Guwahati
  • Dr. D. Velmurugan
    University of Madras, Chennai
  • Dr. Ravikumar Muttineni
    Schrodinger, USA

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