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  •  Alagappa University
  • Department of Bioinformatics
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Prof. S. Subbiah

        Alagappa University established by the Government of Tamilnadu, as envisioned by the great Philanthropist Padma Bhushan (Late) Dr. RM. Alagappa Chettiar is achieving Excellence in all spheres of Education, with particular emphasis on Pedagogy, Extension, Administration, Research and Learning (PEARL) by affording a Quality oriented Higher Education to the learners so that they are transformed into intellectually competent human resources that will help in the up-liftment of the nation to Educational, Social, Technological, Environmental and Economic Magnificence (ESTEEM). The 440 acre green and lush campus houses Science, Arts, Management, and Education faculties with 34 Departments, 7 Centres and 3 Constituent Colleges on its campus. The University has been awarded with A+ Grade by NAAC (CGPA: 3.64 out of 4) in the Third Cycle of assessment and also the first State University that obtained the A+ status in the State of Tamil Nadu. The University has received many notable awards such as the ISO 9001: 2015 Certification Award for its creditability in providing an enhanced quality Higher Education and Research Activities and Clean and Green Campus Award (2016) & World Environment and Livelihood (WEAL) Award (2017) from National Institute of Cleanliness and Education Research (NICER), New Delhi. Moreover, the University has been classified under Category I for achieving a remarkable score of 3.64 out of 4. Much recently the University also secured Third Position at National level in Swachhta Ranking of Higher Educational Institutions and for which the University has been identified as one of the Centre on Swachh Bharat and Swasth Bharat by MHRD, New Delhi.
==> Alagappa University

The Department of Bioinformatics was started in the year 2008, to facilitate the teaching and research in the interdisciplinary areas of Small and Macro Molecule X-ray Crystallography, Structural Biology, Structural Bioinformatics, Molecular Modelling, Computer-Aided Drug Design, Pharmacoinformatics, Chemoinformatics, Molecular Cell Biology, Genetic Engineering, Genomics, Proteomics, Bio-computing, Quantum Chemistry, Database and Software development to create an intellectual environment for interdisciplinary education and training. The Department is supported by the University Grants Commission (UGC) under the scheme of Innovative Programme - Teaching & Research in Interdisciplinary and Emerging Areas, the Department of Science & Technology (DST) - Fund for Improvement of S & T Infrastructure in Higher Educational Institutions (FIST) and Promotion of University Research and Scientific Excellence (PURSE). We apply our Computational and Experimental techniques to study the interaction of small chemical compounds with proteins and nucleic acids and to characterize their molecular mechanisms towards the novel discovery for human diseases. Our dynamic environment is focused on students to gain experience through academic, industrial internship programs. The Department of Bioinformatics has been offering M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D & PG programmes. Our Department has been publishing many research articles related to Human diseases, pathogenic and non pathogenic organisms. Department has been receiving major research projects from various funding agencies such as Alagappa University Research Fund (AURF), Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Department of Science and Technology (DST), Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Tamil Nadu State Council for Science & Technology (TNSCST), and University Grants Commission (UGC).
==> Department of Bioinformatics

For further more enquiry email us to dbiconf@gmail.com

Tentative Speakers List
  • Dr. A. Anand
    Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore
  • Dr. Ganesh Venkataraman
    Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai
  • Dr. Md. Imtiyaz Hassan
    Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi
  • Dr. M. Michael Gromiha
    Indian Institute of Technology - Madras, Chennai
  • Dr. H.A. Nagarajaram
    Central University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad
  • Dr. G. Narahari Sastry
    Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad
  • Dr. Poonam Singh
    CSIR-CECRI, Karaikudi
  • Dr. K. Sekar
    Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
  • Dr. Shailaza Singh
    NCCS, Pune
  • Dr. Shandar Ahmed
    Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
  • Dr. T.P. Singh
    AIIMS, New Delhi
  • Dr. K. Suguna
    Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
  • Dr. Suresh Rayala
    Indian Institute of Technology - Madras, Chennai
  • Dr. Timir Tripathi
    North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong
  • Dr. B.K. Tiwary
    Pondicherry University, Puducherry
  • Dr. D. Velmurugan
    University of Madras, Chennai
  • Dr. Vikash Kumar Dubey
    Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati
  • GE Healthcare Life Sciences

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